Tuesday 17 March 2015

Week 2 - Cashback sites – Buy the same stuff, but get some cash back!

Cashback sites work by passing on some of the advertising revenue onto you that they receive for the referral. Think about google ads. If they get cash for each time you click the link, why shouldn't you as well?!

The best and biggest sites are Topcashback and Quidco.
To sign up to these sites visit

Topcashback link
Quidco link

There are a couple of smaller cashback sites so use the maximiser to see where you can get the best rates!
Cashback Maximiser

All you need to do to use these sites is login to the site. Search for the place that you are purchasing the item from (clothes, insurance, mobile phones etc – the list is almost endless!) and click the link that is there. Just use the website you are now on in the same way as you would normally do and in a few months you will get some cash back!

On Topcashback you are able to take the money as vouchers as well. Sometimes this also gives you a bit of an uplift to the rate you will receive!

As of 04/03/2015 I have ‘earnt’ £186.20 from topcashback and a whopping £840.44 from quidco. Not bad for buying the things that I would have bought anyway!

Caution: if you have cashback withdraw it as soon as you can. If the site goes bust, then you will have lost the full amount and have no chance of claiming it back

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